November 29, 2011

My Philadelphia

Tessa Guze, My Philadelphia, oil on canvas 2011
This painting is a part of the "My Philadelphia" exhibition at Prelude Gallery in Philadelphia. The exhibition runs from December 7 -17th.
 Leaving Philadelphia and moving to another country, I have missed many things but the things I have missed most are my friends. This painting is of my friend Alex. Alex born and raised in Philly, epitomizes all of the things that I love about Philly, she is street smart, tough and full of energy, excitement and life.

To see more similar work please visit painting portfolio website or artists blog.

November 18, 2011


Tessa Guze, Thirst, oil and charcoal on canvas
African baby drinking water from a dirty rusted bowl. 

November 7, 2011


Unescorted, Oil on Canvas
This is a painting I did a little over a year ago when I was applying for a fellowship from Moore College of Art & Design. The fellowship ended up funding my trip to India.

November 3, 2011

Walking Home

Walking Home
This is a painted of a little boy I used to teach.  When I was in Jaipur India, I volunteered to teach in an impoverished shanty town.