October 19, 2011

October 12, 2011

Memory Portrait 1

Tessa Guze, Memory Portrait, Oil Paint
This is a portrait of the lady who lived next door to the school where I taught english in Jaipur, India. Our school was really just in the space between two peoples houses with a tarp as a roof to keep rain and sun out. Every morning, this lady and the rest of her family would step over my students when needed to come and go from their house.

My tiny school, its the space between the buildings under the blue tarp.

My students trying to fix an extra tarp on our school to shield us from the summer sun.

October 10, 2011

The Ship Wrecker

Tessa Guze, The Shipwreacker, oil on Canvas
This is a painting of a ship wrecker in Bangladesh, he is using rags in an attempt to protect himself from the many dangerous chemicals. The process of breaking down ships produces so many dangerous chemicals, that most countries have created laws to protect the workers. Breaking down ships in a safe way proves to be more expensive than the profit made by the parts so it is no longer done in many places. However there are still people desperate enough that they are forced to risk the dangers.

About this blog

Tessa Guze, Water, oil on canvas

My name is Tessa Guze. I am an oil painter. As an oil painter I do various painting work, (illustrations, commissions, portraits) because I enjoy it and because it helps me make a living. However I also do paintings for myself because I just cannot help it. This blog is where I am going to showcase these paintings.

I think of this body of work as my "Fine Arts" work because this is the work I do for myself because I feel compelled to. These paintings are the expression of things/people/places/animals that I feel a deep emotional connection and response to.

I hope you enjoy me work here. If you are interested in seeing my other work please visit my painting portfolio website tessaguze.com, my artists blog, my portrait paintings blog or my pet portrait blog.

Thank you for your interest! I would appreciate any feedback you care to give!